Cole & Son Chamber Angels Wallpaper

Cole & Son Chamber Angels Wallpaper

SKU: cole-son-chamber-angels-wallpaper
£130.50 Per roll
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SKU: cole-son-chamber-angels-wallpaper

Cole & Son Chamber Angels Wallpaper took inspiration from the unique, carousel style structure found on the ceiling of The Presence Chamber, which forms part of the King’s State Apartments at Kensington Palace. Originally designed by William Kent, one of the most influential names in early 18th century design, the celebratory style of the pattern is evocative of the essence of the room, being a place where the king entertained and received courtiers, ministers and foreign ambassadors. Dancing figures have been combined with delicate foliage and the ripened fruits, once found in the Kensington Palace Orangery, create a decoratively decadent design.

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